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St Philip's Catholic Primary School

Term Dates



Term Date 2024-2025

 July 2024

1st July - Music Afternoon - invitation only

3rd July - Domino Day (Transition day)

2nd and 3rd July - SPH Transition Days for Year 6

3rd, 4th and 5th July Oscar Romero Transition Days for Year 6

4th July - Year R trip.

5th July - Year 5 - Civil War Concert

Week beginning: 8th July - Last week of clubs

9th July - Cricket Finals (selected children)

9th July - Night of the Guitars (5.30pm-6.15pm)

10th July - Year 3 Forest School

16th July - Leavers Mass (whole School) 10-11am

18th July - Year 6 Production - Peter Pan, 6pm.

19th July - Last day of school for the children

22nd July - INSET DAY

23rd July - INSET DAY

August 2024- Summer Holiday

September 2024

2nd September - INSET DAY

3rd September - INSET Day

4th September - First day of term.