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St Philip's Catholic Primary School

Physical Education

At St Philip’s Catholic Primary School, we are currently using a PE scheme called ‘PE Planning’ which offers teachers and children a vast range of sports to develop throughout their PE lessons.

The PE plan allows teachers to offer support for those who need it and extra challenges to stretch the most able.

We offer CPD for all classes for indoor and outdoor PE lessons e.g. Hockey, football, cricket, swimming, dance, gym, rugby and many more.

St Philip’s is part of LASP (Littlehampton Area Sports Partnership), which comprises of 9 schools in our local area. The LASP PE leaders meet regularly to plan and evaluate the extracurricular provision and request any curriculum time CPD the school may need. This partnership enables children in all classes to regularly participate in inter school competitions.  We are also in a sports partnership with the Deanery group of schools and access inter school sports events and CPD from their specialised PE staff and young sports leaders. There are specific events for vulnerable children and for the Most Able sporting children.

There are an extensive number of Before and After School sporting clubs for children to access and a fortnightly physical challenge which is sent out to parents via the newsletter.

The children are able to access active playtimes using the basketball nets, football nets, climbing frame and trim trail. They can also take part in the weekly ‘Golden Mile’ which is organised by our Sports leaders in Years 5 and 6.

Our Sports Premium funding is allocated to Sports Partnerships, coaches, equipment and travel to events.


At St Philip’s Catholic Primary School, physical education is an integral part of our curriculum. We intend to teach our children to understand the importance of physical activity, health and well-being. We aim to give the children the fundamental skills that they will need and the ability to apply these skills to both individual and team games. We believe that not only should children have the physical skills but also the ability to be resilient, recognise their areas of development and take pride in their achievements. We want our children to have the opportunities to discover new interest and talents that enhance pupil cultural development.

Our implementation of the PE curriculum

We aim to do this through implementing and delivering an engaging and inclusive PE curriculum across the school that inspires children to succeed in physical activity. All children take part in two hours of PE each week. We deliver the PE Planning scheme which is a child centred approach and includes challenge and support for every child. We focus on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning. Children are taught transferable skills and values such as personal challenge, team work and social skills.

We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities before, during and after school, in addition to competitive and non-competitive sporting events. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also well-being.

The impact of our PE curriculum

  • All of our children are given the opportunity to participate in physical activity every day.
  • Whole school celebration and rewards have encouraged children’s participation in sport and as a result, the profile of physical activity has been raised.
  • Staff feel confident in teaching PE due to ongoing CPD sessions throughout the year.
  • Children have many opportunities to take part in competitive and non-competitive sporting events.
  • Children have become more aware of their areas of development and are more confident in finding ways to improve their performance.

PE coverage