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St Philip's Catholic Primary School


St Philip’s Catholic Primary School is committed to the safeguarding of all the pupils, families, staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to the school.

There are Induction Guidelines, the Headteacher and Mr Gall are designated members of staff for Safeguarding.

There are robust procedures when advertising and interviewing candidates when recruiting staff and we carry out all the necessary DBS checks.

All staff, Governors and volunteers are aware of procedures that need to be followed if they have any concerns. All staff and governors have regular safeguarding training. The Headteacher and/or Mr Gall, as designated members of staff undertake training regarding of all aspects of safeguarding eg Safer Recruitment, Prevent, Sexual Exploitation etc.

Click here to download a PDF version of our Safeguarding Statement.

Keeping Children Safe in Education


Prevent information for parents

Remote Learning Safeguarding Documents

Online safety Policy

Quick Guide to Live streaming safety

Remote Learning/live streaming guidance

Quick Guide to acceptable use for children on Live Streaming

Peer Abuse Policy (child friendly) 2021

St Philips works with Operation Encompass to work with the police to support families who have experienced domestic violence.

Operation Encompass is a unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before the start of the next school day when a child or young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening. The information is given in strict confidence to a school’s Key Adult to enable support to be given dependent on the needs and wishes of the child. Operation Encompass is a Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive charity. They acknowledge and understand the impact of Domestic Abuse as an Adverse Childhood Experience(ACE)

For more information please click:


As well as teaching Online Safety as part of our Computing Curriculum, we also hold a ‘Safer Internet Day’ each year when children learn to stay safe online. Below is a link to a website with a guide of ‘How to keep kids safe online in 2020’

How To Keep Kids Safe Online in 2020

Safeguarding Websites

Other useful Links recommended by the NSPPC

Live My Digital

CEOP Exposed

I saw Alex’s willy

Lucy and the boy

For internet safety advice please click on the link below