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St Philip's Catholic Primary School


Relationships, Health and Sexual Education

A Journey In Love is a resource created by Sister Jude Groden of BRES. It has been written as a progressive scheme of work that supports the Religious Education, PSHE and Science curriculam taught within the school.

Throughout A Journey In Love, an aspect of the mystery of love is focused upon in each group. Children and young people are encouraged to marvel at the wonder and beauty of God’s creative love. This is reflected in each stage of a person’s growth in the Primary Years through a series of suggested, progressive and developmental tasks, activities and reflections which focus on physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development.

At St Philip's, we have also chosen to use the programme  'LIFE TO THE FULL' (also known as Ten Ten),  alongside  'A Journey in Love' and It is based on  'A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum created by the Catholic Education Service and was rated highly by the Department of Education. 

Life to the Full contains many creative resources to engage, inform and inspire our children.  It is taught through a variation of story-based activities, videos and worship music and prayers. There is a parent portal where you can access what they will be taught across each phase and there is also a link to the parent's booklet below:

Life to the Full - Parent Booklet

Here you will find information about ‘A Journey in Love’. Please read the ‘Booklet for Parents’ 

A copy of the Sex and Relationship Education Policy can be viewed by clicking here

Sex and Relationship Education Consultation

From September 2020 all primary schools have a statutory duty to teach Relationships, Health & Sexual Education (RHSE). Please click on the link below to access the consultation process for the implementation of the new curriculum:

Relationship and Sex Education Consultation 2020