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St Philip's Catholic Primary School


We believe that all children can achieve and master mathematics, and that every child can acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.

Skills are broken down into small steps, and are delivered through our Abacus Maths Curriculum. This involves supporting all learners with securing new learning, before providing a range of opportunities for them to apply and deepen their understanding. In line with the National Curriculum, our main aims are for children to be fluent, to reason and to problem solve.

our children have opportunities to learn new skills using a range of mathematical equipment and aids to support them with visualising the how and why behind their learning

At St Philip’s, each child comes into the school day to an ‘Early Bird Maths’ activity. This leads into the morning Maths lesson which is taught and then assessed, providing pupils with immediate feedback that they can then act upon.  We strive to set work that is challenging and motivating, along with tasks that encourage children to talk about what they have learnt. Throughout the school, our children have opportunities to learn new skills using a range of mathematical equipment and aids to support them with visualising the how and why behind their learning. Providing time for children to use concrete resources and visual representations brings concepts to life and can support pupils with their learning. Once new learning is fluent, we deepen our children’s understanding using problem-solving and reasoning tasks. In these activities, children are encouraged to explain, justify and generalise; represent ideas in a variety of ways; see connections between concepts; work systematically and solve problems of greater complexity with creativity and imagination. There are opportunities for children to take part in individual, paired, group and whole class activities during maths lessons, and for them to apply their skills within real-life contexts through wider curriculum subjects.

At St Philip’s Catholic Primary School, we provide opportunities for children to develop their fluency in mental maths across the school, and recognise that both arithmetic (number facts) and mental calculation are vital. We develop the ‘Times Tables Challenge’ from Year 2 as a way of encouraging and motivating children to learn the important times tables and division facts. Please see our Calculation Policy and Progression map for further information.

Times Tables Challenge

Please read the letter below that explains the Times Tables Challenge for children in Year 2 – 6.

Times Tables Challenge – Letter to Parents

Children also have access to 'Times Table Rockstars', an excellent resource to support their timestable knowledge - Times Tables Rockstars

Children are given a practice booklet each but if  another copy is needed, they are downloadable here:

Bronze Practice Book
Bronze Divide Practice Book

Silver Practice Book
Silver Divide Practice Book

Gold Practice Book
Gold Divide Practice Book

Elite Stage One
Elite Stage Two
Elite Stage Three

National curriculum in England: Mathematics programmes of study