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St Philip's Catholic Primary School


As a school, we are very passionate about the music that is taught to the children.

We know that music gives children an opportunity to develop confidence, a sense of community and a love of learning. Musicians of all abilities are taught to develop their skills through singing and playing instruments in order to have the confidence to perform in front of an audience. In Reception and Key Stage One, musical experiences are very much embedded into the daily life of the children in the classroom.

All classes have whole class lessons weekly. The lessons are planned and delivered by our specialist Music teacher. The progression of skills can be found below.

The children have many opportunities throughout the school year to showcase and perform their learning through concerts, assemblies and various community events.

We have weekly choir practice for Years 3-6 and Orchestra rehearsals in set terms.

We work with  peripatetic teachers for a range of instruments. Parents pay for this directly to the peripatetic teacher. The children then have opportunities to perform in various events, demonstrating the skills they have learnt.

Year 5 learning to play the recorder.

Our curriculum intent for Music

With these aspirations, our intentions for the Music curriculum are:

  • For children at St Philip’s Catholic Primary School to be able to perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians.
  • Children will learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others and have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.
  • Children will understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated and understand the technical terms: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.

We will implement these intentions by:  

St Philip’s follows a music scheme which allows the pupils to become engaged in the music curriculum. There are lots of wonderful, inspiring resources to help the teacher and children in their music education. It brings together great music, modern pedagogy and the latest educational technology. It supports all aspects of music in school including the new music curriculum.

Each year group also has taken inspiration from the BBC Ten Pieces project which is an exciting initiative for schools led by BBC Learning and BBC Performing groups. The aim is to open up the world of classical music to a new generation of children and inspire them to develop their own creative responses using a variety of art forms, digital art, animation, performance poetry, dance or movement and composition.

Within music lessons the children have access to percussion, xylophones and glockenspiels which allows them to find the rhythm within a song and play along. This also means that children can have a go at improvising and composing alongside the music they are studying in the lesson.

Each week, the children take part in a whole school singing assembly.

Our school has a wonderful 'Singing Superstars' choir and Worship Band. The choir is often involved in local events in the town and we have a yearly celebration of music, so that the children can showcase their skills and talent!

There are a wide range of peripatetic  – violin, piano, guitar, drum, woodwind and ukulele lessons as well!

The impact of this learning will be: 


By the end of their time at school children will be able to:

  • play and perform
  • play a range of instruments
  • recall sounds
  • listen and appraise a range of music from different traditions from great composers and musicians


By the end of their time at school children will be able to:

  • play and perform
  • play a range of instruments
  • improvise and compose
  • appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music
  • listen and appraise a range of music from different traditions from great composers and musicians
  • develop an understanding of Music across the history


Music Progression of Skills

Primary National Curriculum – Key Stage 1 and 2 – Music PDF

Peripatetic Teachers:

Drums – Tom Hodgson – tom@studiomuso.co.uk

Guitar – Christian Nunnikhoven – stringlizard@gmail.com
Guitar (from Year 1) and Ukulele (Year 1 and 2)

Piano – Katarina Hutchings – katarinapianoonline@gmail.com
Piano (from Year 1)

Singing Lessons - kerryhiller18@hotmail.co.uk 

For all other instruments:

Please visit - https://westsussexmusic.co.uk