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St Philip's Catholic Primary School

Roles & Responsibilities

Library monitors

Each year group has designated librarians who are fully trained to run the library independently (with the support of their class teacher). The children oversee the issue and returning process of all books and keep their library in good working order.

Class monitors

When children enter a new year group one of the first tasks for their new teacher is to assign monitoring roles to each child. These include: photocopying, art, ICT, PE and the register.  These roles are held for the academic year and give children a sense of responsibility and pride.

RE Ambassadors 

Children from Years 4,5 and 6 make up the school’s RE Ambassadors. They are responsible for leading whole school worship, monitoring prayer spaces, helping with teacher observations and RE book looks. They wear a special badge so that other children know who they are and can go to them if they need any help and support.

House Captains

We have four houses at St Philip’s: Howard, Fitzalan, Brotherton and Warrenne. Each house has two house captains who are voted for by the children in Year 6.

The School Council (click to view page) 

The School Council is made up of four elected members from each year group (except Reception), a clerk (from Year 6), a designated staff member and the headteacher. The council meets every Half Term to discuss matters that they feel are pertinent to the well-being of the school. Many of the points raised have a real impact on school  life – our new play area ‘Monkey World’ was chosen following close collaboration with the school council.