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St Philip's Catholic Primary School


Education in Personal Relationships(EPR) and Relationship, Health and Sexual Education (RHSE)

This is an important area of our curriculum which aims to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead healthy lives and be responsible citizens. It forms an integral part of a child’s development, and is brought into our cross-curricular activities and discussions in such a way as to ensure that knowledge and understanding of oneself and others is developed.

The children grow in confidence about aspects of their own lives, their self-esteem, their health, their beliefs, their relationships with others, and their ability to express their feelings and to cope with life’s problems. We encourage pupils to participate in these discussions and activities, which lead to a greater awareness of their social and moral responsibilities.

EPR is taught throughout the school time table through discreet ‘Circle Time’ lessons and, because of the nature of the subject, there are opportunities for EPR to be covered by making cross curricular links. In many cases, EPR can be taught through many other subjects such as RE, PE, Science, Maths, Computing or History.

At times, we make use of visitors to support the delivery of EPR; this has included the School’s Liaison Police Officer, members of the emergency services, our local priests as well as other community organisations.

In addition to EPR, we have several school initiatives that enhance and support children’s social and emotional learning:

1.School Council

Our School Council is made up of a group of democratically elected children. Each member is pro-active, dedicated and well organised. The members of the council take their roles very seriously and, as a result of their hard work, have orchestrated and facilitated positive changes within our school. Children vote for four children in their year group: two councillors and two vice councillors.

The School Council is led by a Clerk who is chosen by the elected council members. The Clerk devises the agenda which is a list of suggestions nominated by each class. We have a member of staff who helps to facilitate the meetings and the Head Teacher always attends. Sometimes a School Governor will sit in on the meeting too. The School Council helps to provide a voice for all pupils and it meets every half term.

During the past few years, the School Council have helped to improve the school environment and grounds, suggested fun activities during school time and raised money for charities and worthwhile causes. It is also an ideas platform to discuss issues such as Safeguarding and School Values

2. Faith Buddies

When the children get to year 6 they take on the role of a Faith Buddy. Each pupil is given a child in Reception Class to look after and guide through their first year at St Philip’s. The Faith Buddy relationship becomes a very special one that Year 6 take great pride in. They share many special moments together including reading stories, sharing work, going to Mass together and many more. This relationship sometimes continues even after the children have left the school through letter writing.

 3. Friendship Bags

We nurture a culture of mutual support and looking after each other and one way that we do this is through a peer support program called Friendship Bags. Within this scheme, children take on a special role in the playground:

  • They lead games and ensure children are included
  •  They help to sort out conflict using Peaceful Problem Solving Strategies
  • They listen to the problems of other children
  • They help children who are hurt.

 4. Anti-Bullying Week 

Each year we raise awareness of Anti-Bullying during the dedicated Anti-Bullying Week. The children participate in a special assembly where we discuss what bullying is and how wit is dealt with in our school.

During this time, the children explore issues around bullying and talk about bullying is and how it differs from other conflict situations. We talk about what bullying looks like (eg physical, social, cyber, verbal) Whether it is verbal, physical, online or in-person, bullying has a significant impact on a child’s life well in to adulthood. We discuss that by making small, simple changes, we can break this cycle and create a safe environment for everyone.Special booklets are sent home to parents each year and reference to Bullying is mentioned regularly in the school’s Newsletters.

To find out more please visit:


5. Internet Safety Day

 Safer Internet Day promotes the safe and positive use of digital technology, especially among children and young people. Safer Internet Day aims to create both a safer and a better internet, where everyone is empowered to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. The campaign aims to reach out to children and young people to encourage everyone to play their part in creating a better internet. By celebrating the positive power of the internet, the Safer Internet Day slogan of “Together for a better internet” encourages everyone to join the movement, to participate, and to make the most of the internet’s potential to bring people together.

6. Home Surveys

As well as encouraging parents to complete our Parent View Survey, children are also asked to complete a ‘Keeping children safe in school survey’ with their parents at home. The survey takes the children through a series of yes/no questions that they need to answer about how they feel about safety in school and online. The survey is anonymous and the results give us an indication about what works well and any areas that we may need further work on.

Please click on the links below for the overview for each year group:

RSE Primary Curriculum in St Philip’s

A Model Primary Catholic RSE Curriculum 2019