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St Philip's Catholic Primary School

The Friends of St Philip’s play a hugely important role in the life of our school, organising many of the events that are milestones in the school year.

As a registered charity, The Friends of St Philip’s has the express purpose of raising funds for the children of St Philip’s.

Our aim is to support the school to continue to deliver an enriching environment for our children. Above all, the Friends of St Philip’s aims to enhance the children’s learning and overall experience at St Philip’s.

Being involved presents a wonderful opportunity for parents to be engaged in their children's education and helps the continued growth of our inclusive school community.

The Friends of St Philip’s is part of the school community and as such, every parent is a member.

It is our charity, for our children

For more information about The Friends of St Philip’s activities, events and getting involved, please visit www.friendsofstphilips.com.

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